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RedGold Kooikerhondjes

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My name is Dee Nichols and I am the past President of the Kooikerhondje Society of America and the Founder of the Kooikerhondje Club of the United States. I have been in Kooikers (short for Kooikerhondjes) since 1995 having imported my first one from Denmark. I had a 2 year wait but was persistant. Casanova arrived with his breeder and as we were walking into my home she said "If I do not like you the dog does not stay". I later imported a second from Holland, since that time I have also imported from Germany and Turkey. There are a few venues now that the Kooikers can show in. When I started there was only ARBA (American Rare Breed Association). I found other Kooiker owners and we decided to build a club and were able to get the breed recognized by UKC (United Kennel Club) and later we were able to get the breed into AKC's Foundation Stock Service. Through our club we are working towards getting the breed AKC recognized. It is a long complicated process but we are plugging along. Our club, Kooikerhondje Society of America has grown from 5 to 45 households, we need 100 households for Parent Club status. We are a breeder of the Kooikerhondje and sometimes have pups and young adults available.

Email: Dee A Nichols
Al  36036




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