DogWebs Help

How to add images to your pages.

  1. On the Edit Dogs page, click on Edit next to the dog you wish to add an image to.
  2. Scroll down the page till you get to the Images No. Field, Click on add images.
  3. In the new window click upload an image.
  4. Click browse, and find this image you wish to upload, from your computer, check the details of the file, that it is not more than 40K in size.
  5. When you have selected the image click upload.
  6. Wait for the image to appear.
  7. Note the number of the image ( Its in red.)
  8. Go back to the edit page open in the other window and add the number.
  9. Press submit at the bottom of the page, to update the database.
  10. Your image will now appear on your page. ( remember to refresh the page)

If the Image upload does not work for you, please send your images to help@dogwebs and I will upload them for you.

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